Updated Cell Phone Policy
Effective January 1st, 2025
To comply with state proviso, all school districts are required to implement a policy adopted by the State Board of Education that prohibits students from accessing personal electronic communication devices during the school day. In compliance with new state Department of Education regulations, the cell phone policy of Spartanburg County Early College High School (SCECHS) has been revised effective January 1, 2025.
New regulations for cell phones in public schools will take effect in January per South Carolina law. Therefore, the following clarifying addendum has been added to the cell phone policy at Spartanburg County Early College High School (SCECHS) effective January 1, 2025. The current cell phone policy printed in the handbook (copied below) will also remain in effect.
Addendum to Cell Phone Policy at Spartanburg County Early College High School (SCECHS): Students must have phones off and out of sight except for multi-factor authentication and for instructional purposes as required by the professor in college class. When applicable, laptops, not cell phones, should be used in class and during independent study if a device is required.
Cell phones, Tablets, Smartwatches, air pods, and other Electronic Devices
Telecommunication devices and other electronics must be turned off and out of sight during all classes unless these devices are being used for learning purposes with permission of the instructor. PARENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TEXT OR CALL STUDENTS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY/CLASS TIME. Students must not interfere with the instructional program or interfere with a campus activity in utilizing these devices. If a student violates this policy, the device will be taken from the student to be picked up by the parent/guardian. The parent/guardian will be notified by the Dean. Continued violations may result in the student being placed on probation and/or not allowed to bring devices to school. (Spartanburg County Early College High School (SCECHS) Handbook page 23)
Updated Cell Phone Policy.pdf